Ice Rail

Do I need to install Ice Rail on my roof?
We recommend installing Ice Rail for every customer. 

During a snowstorm, snow accumulates on rooftops, creating a snowpack that can remain on the roof for a time. As temperatures rise, the sun’s rays warm the snow, causing the snowpack to loosen. When this happens, gravity takes over, and the entire sheet of snow or ice can suddenly slide off the roof, resulting in an avalanche.

To prevent this, installing ice rails on sloped roofs is an effective solution. Ice rails hold the snow and ice in place, preventing it from sliding off suddenly. As the snow melts, the weight is evenly distributed by the ice rails, minimizing the risk of damage to the roof, gutters, or the surrounding area. This is crucial for both public buildings and residential properties.

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Pro Time proudly offers this option for both exposed panels or standing seam panels!